12 Ocak 2011 Çarşamba

How to disable / readOnly CRM fields / iframes

Sometimes we need to disable all fields in CRM, so a function could help!
Also, you don't want to diable INPUT/TEXTAREA nodes, because it will become unreadble (gray #808080) if you disable it, so I prefer to set those nodes readOnly. (only INPUT and TEXTAREA support readOnly property!)

setDisabled function
1. set readOnly property for INPUT/TEXTAREA nodes
2. disable other nodes
id: element's Id
ignoreNodes: nodes can be ignored
nodesDisabled: bool, true = set disable/readonly

function setDisabled(id, ignoreNodes, nodesDisabled)
var node, nodes;
nodes = id.getElementsByTagName('*');

var i = nodes.length;
while (i--)
node = nodes[i];
if(node.nodeName && !(node.nodeName.toLowerCase() in ignoreNodes))
if((node.nodeName == "INPUT") || (node.nodeName == "TEXTAREA"))
node.readOnly = nodesDisabled;
node.disabled = nodesDisabled;

/*disable/readonly fields*/
setDisabled(document.getElementById("areaForm"), {table:'', iframe:'', div:'', form:'', col:'', colgroup:'', lable:'', span:'', tbody:'', body:'', tr:'', td:''}, true);

/*disable IFRAME*/
window.setTimeout(iframeDisabled, 3000);
alert("System busy, please try again later!" + err);

function iframeDisabled()
setDisabled(document.frames("IFRAME_1").document.getElementById("mnuBar1"),{}, true);

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